Improve Your Score on the B Impact Assessment
Congrats on taking the B Impact Assessment (BIA) and finding your baseline! In order to be eligible for B Corp Certification, a company must score a minimum of 80 points on the B Impact Assessment.
The B Impact Assessment is intentionally rigorous and aspirational. The average score of ordinary businesses in the BIA is 51 points and many companies, in fact, don’t receive the required 80 points their first time around.
Watch our two videos to learn more about:
- How companies can use the Improvement Report to improve their B Impact Assessment Score.
- What happens if my company falls below 80 points on the B Impact Assessment during the assessment review process?
Download the presentation deck to learn more about:
- The tools available to you to improve your score
- Best practices for improving your score
- High impact improvement opportunities
- Process for improving your score
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